What comes to mind when you think about team building? Building a bridge across a fast flowing stream? Capturing a fort kitted out in combats? Rescuing the boss from a pit of snakes – that sort of thing. Whatever you’re thinking it probably isn’t glass fusing – so what’s that all about?
Well in this post GDPR dawn we wanted to have a fun day to say a big “thank you” to our fantastic team. It’s a real challenge for us as a business to organise such an event as clients rely on us to answer their calls so we can’t all be away from our desks at the same time, otherwise we’d have no business!
So we were organised into small groups which was a great opportunity to spend time with colleagues in different roles. In the very capable hands of Sarah Greening we were introduced to making glass jewellery using a variety of different techniques. We had to work together to make things happen, for example I couldn’t even cut the glass and had to be helped to get over the starting line! Mind you I have been known to take a chainsaw to a butternut squash so there’s obviously a weakness in upper body strength. However we persevered.
Hidden talents emerged and we were a very creative and imaginative group. Some of us (like myself) didn’t even bother with jewellery and went off piste, some of us were more instinctive and got stuck in, others were more considered and wanted to sketch out a design. It actually gave us some insight into how we approach tasks, how we work together and also and importantly it was a lot of fun.
Lunch was ordered in (thanks boss) and as each group finished we’ve been privy to some interesting pieces of work (to say the least!)
I don’t think we’ll be exhibiting anything or putting anything into an auction. This is a picture of my attempt at an abstract depiction of our company logo – I’m sure it will look brilliant once it’s been fired – or I might find myself fired for misrepresentation of our intellectual property.