Our first EXPO of the year takes place this week. It’s a local EXPO run by Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce and it’s always a brilliant show for us, a great chance to catch up with people we haven’t seen for a while and to make new connections.
EXPOs are a fantastic opportunity and a great excuse for a bit of theatre. We try and think like a visitor and put ourselves in their shoes. This helps us to get the right mindset and set the stage for the event.
In this particular EXPO we have two square meters and a day to make an impact. We always have a theme and although there is a temptation to try and promote all of our services, experience has taught us that it’s better to go with a specific message that people are more likely to remember.
The real work begins after the EXPO with the follow up. To help us this year we have designed our GDPR form to help in the follow up process. We have a number of ways to engage with people and there may well be other opportunities once we start to talk to people after the show.
An EXPO can be very overwhelming and you can return to your office with a bag full of paper and business cards. As you go through the details you won’t remember every conversation, you’re likely to remember and concentrate on developing any opportunities where there could be business.
However this could mean that other opportunities get lost and this is where we can help. We have a telemarketing team who will make sure that any contacts are developed properly and added to your sales pipeline. We can work remotely or on a spreadsheet, whatever is better for you.
Make your EXPO count and contact us about follow up calls.