As we all know, customers shout louder and faster with a negative review than they will a positive one – especially with the aid of social media.
Prove to your customers how important they are to you with our simple 4-step guide to improving your customer service, as well as making sure they can only sing your praises!
1. Be human
Relating to your customer is the first step to building a bond. A friendly manner, empathy, compassion or a even little laughter, it all goes a long way in the eyes of your customer.
2. Be quick
Addressing issues in a timely manner is a surefire way to restore faith in your brand after a negative experience as it showcases that you care.
3. Be realistic
Making promises you cannot fulfill is setting yourself up for immediate failure, honesty however, will work in your favour.
4. Be helpful
Go that extra mile to make a differnce…even small gestures can have a huge impact.